What you waiting for?

And it was lovely:
(Not pictured: the two weeks of a wretched cold that of course had to follow this excessive Hello-Spring-Tour.)
Anyway: better Comic Collab than nothing, huh? This time the topic was “Endlich” (“Finally”), brought up by Schlogger as usual. And here are the other guys: Isla Volante / Rainer Unsinn / Badham / Zweithirn / Solarblaukraut / Nadia Bader / Mal-Gries / Team-O / Dramatized Depiction / Noody / BTW / Kritzelkomplex / Pepperworth / Käfigprinzessin / Börp / Gobopictures / Zeitgleich / Pandagoblog / Tale of fiction / Schisslaweng.
Deine Zeichnungen sind so goldig – und zumindest in der Couchkartoffel finde ich mich wieder, mir fehlt nur der blonde Pferdeschwanz ;)